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So What’s This?!?  Thoughts?  Yes, I do have some, from time to time.  This is where, I hope, to put them (so I don’t forget).  OK, a work in progress!  If you want to see where I sometimes go, click here! This includes the various links that I have posted on the website.  I guess this is my “Recomended Places to Visit”!

I am always adding pictures so please look at the galleries for updates.

  • What we need is more Fruitcakes!
  • Jimmy Buffett is a Foodie!
  • If we weren’t all crazy, we’d all go insane!
  • Am I a Parrothead if I don’t go to all Jimmy’s shows?
  • Did Timothy B. Schmidt start as a Coral Reefer then become an Eagle, or was it the other way around?
  • How’s Skip Whiley doing these days?
  • How much did Desdemona get for her boat/plane?
  • I’m overdrawn my account at The Bank Of Bad Habits! Oops.
  • I went to Paris....I couldn’t find that damn mango.
  • Why does everybody keep hitting the elevator button? If it’s lit, it’s coming!
  • I think liquor stores love dry counties.  People who live there buy in bulk!
  • Some days our thoughts are like Post-Its.  A good wind and they’re gone!
  • What goes around, comes around!  Sometimes you need to remember to duck!
  • A vacation always looks good this time of year! (Does it really matter what time of year it is?)
  • Always be smarter than the tools you work with.